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It’s Time To Register for the Marine Corps Marathon!

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It’s Time To Register for the Marine Corps Marathon! This one is ALL lottery, folks. There are no guaranteed entries based on previous marathon run times. You can, however, secure an entry though select charities. Please read the excerpts below taken from the MCM Official Website.

What is the mission of the Marine Corps Marathon?
The mission of the Marine Corps Marathon is to promote physical fitness, generate community goodwill and showcase the organizational skills of the United States Marine Corps.

What role do Marines play in the coordination of MCM events?
Marines are actively involved in the planning and execution of MCM events. As Special Project Officers (SPOs), Marines are assigned a specific area of responsibility to plan and coordinate while managing a workforce of fellow Marines and civilian volunteers. At MCM events, runners will see Marines in a variety of roles including security, course operations, water points, food stations, aid stations, medal presentation and in ceremonial roles including the Marine Corps Color Guard and Quantico Marine Corps Band.

What running events are organized by the Marine Corps Marathon?
Beginning in 2008, the MCM introduced additional running events to an annual calendar that previously only featured the MCM, MCM10K and MCM Kids Run. The MCM Event Series includes mud and obstacle runs of two distances; a triathlon; and several running events of varied distances. The Marine Corps Historic Half is held annually in May and includes 13.1 and five mile distances.

Who can register?
Anyone age 14 or older on event day is eligible to participate in the MCM.

Is qualifying time required to participate?
A qualifying time is not necessary, however, all runners are required to maintain a 14-minute per mile pace.

When is the 2017 Event?
The 42nd MCM will be held on October 22, 2017.

How many participants in the MCM?
The MCM field is limited to 30,000 registered participants.

How will the 42nd MCM Lottery work?
Beginning on March 22, 2017, runners may register for the Lottery on the MCM website. This opportunity concludes on March 29. Registration for the lottery does not guarantee an entry in the MCM. On March 30, those runners selected to fill the field will be notified by email. If not able to register through the Lottery, runners may secure an entry through one of the MCM Charity Partners or by obtaining a transfer entry. A limited number of runners may register for the Marine Corps 17.75K to be held on March 25, 2017. All finishers in this event receive a guaranteed entry into the 42nd MCM.

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