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It’s Finisher’s Shirt Friday in Minnesota!

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What is Finisher Shirt Friday?

As proposed in a proclamation request to Governor Mark Dayton, we at Twin Cities In Motion recognize that race “finisher shirts” tell stories of the easy and not-so-easy miles leading up to the finish line. Racers wear their shirts as badges of honor and symbols of personal achievement.

When is it?

Friday, April 21

We know that Minnesota runners look forward to another fun day of wearing their finisher shirts in communal celebration of the sport and its enthusiasts. We hope this day will build a sense of community and excitement among those who have finished, those who dream to finish and those who will cheer along the way.

How can I participate? 

It’s easy! Wear your favorite race finisher shirt (or any race shirt!) on your finisher shirt on FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2017 and share a photo! It doesn’t matter if it’s at the workplace, during a lunchtime run, or even running errands at the end of the day.

  1. Share the proclamation with your friends, wear your finisher shirt on Friday, April 21, and help spread the word.
  2. Post a photo! Share a selfie or photo of yourself and use the hashtag, #FinisherShirtFriday on Instagram, Twitter, or our Facebook page!
  3. SUPPORT your running community! Whether you send an encouraging text to your running friends, shopping at a local running store, or register for the 36th annual Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, we want to elevate the running community!
  4. Meet up with your training groups, friends, or family and go for a walk or run!

(Excerpt From TC in Motion’s website)

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