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What keeps YOU motivated?

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Motivating and Inspirational Shoe Charms and Zipper Pulls

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What keeps you motivated? It’s not easy.

I know they say that the first step is the hardest. For me, that is not always the case. I am usually motivated enough to get the ball rolling. The hardest thing for me is to keep it rolling. I get lost along the way.

Sometimes it seems as though something steps in my path, or falls on my head and brings me to my knees, or completely distracts me from my goal…hey, look…a squirrel!

Sound familiar?

If so, this new line of shoe charms was created just for you, if you are anything like me. Remember that the goal in front of you is much like the finish line of that next event you have signed on for. It looms in the distance. On foggy days, it is nearly impossible to see, but when the day is clear and bright, you see it sparkle, like a diamond in the rough! How exciting it will be to cross it when the time comes. How proud you will be of your accomplishment!

But, oh yeah, we are still trudging along, and that finish line is miles away.

MCM Marine Corps Marathon 26.2 In Training Shoe Charm or Zipper Pull

Looking down, with this shoelace charm on, I’m reminded…Marine Corps Marathon…dead ahead…October 2017. I have a date, I have a goal, I have a plan. Remember, you are in training. Remember, you can do this. Remember, you are a rock star.

Just don’t lose sight of that finish line.

Sure, you can gaze down once in a while. That is fine. But when you see that reminder down there on your shoelace, look back up, and set your sights for your moment in the sun!

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Don’t see the marathon that you are training for? Contact me, and I’ll make a special charm just for you. Yep. I can do that!

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