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Are you a Charmed Runner?

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Charmed Running wants to share YOUR story!

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We at Charmed Running believe that we all have a story to tell. It might seem small and insignificant to you, but in reality, it could turn out to be the inspiration that someone needs to get up off the sofa and get out there.

We also believe in sharing the love. So, if you have a website, or product, or blog, or Facebook page that you want to promote, we’ll post those links for you along with your story. It’s important to be seen and heard, whether you are running on the roads, voicing your opinion, or sharing that inspirational story.

Charmed Running wants to share YOUR story!

Therefore, Charmed Running needs YOU!

If YOU are a Charmed Running customer who has a website, or product, or blog, or Facebook page that you would like to promote, Charmed Running would LOVE to interview you for this new blog series!

What do you need to do? Just answer a few questions for me and tell me a bit about your blog or business. Tell us what items you bought from us, and how they inspire you. We’ll take care of the rest! We’ll schedule a date for your interview post and let you know when to expect it online!

E-mail us at or contact us for more information.

THANK YOU for being a loyal Charmed Running customer!


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[av_team_icon title=’Like us on Facebook!’ link=’’ link_target=’_blank’ icon=’ue8f5′ font=’entypo-fontello’]
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©2019 Charmed Running - It's your life, run with it.