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Congratulations to all the 2017 Boston Marathon Finishers!

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There is nothing quite like the Boston Marathon. It is America’s oldest foot race, dating back 121 years, and it still draws runners from every end of the globe. It is the most prestigious 26.2 miles that most runners can only dream of participating in, as the race requires specific qualifying times for those who enter. If you are lucky and willing to raise funds for acceptable charity groups, then you have a shot at running it as well.


These days, Boston limits the number of entries to about 30,000 runners, far less than Chicago’s 45,000 participants, or New York’s 55,000. This allows about 7500 runners to be released from the starting gates about every 30 minutes, ensuring a less congested run for all.

The wheelchairs start first, followed by the elite women, then the elite men. Afterwards, the general public are allowed their chance at the country’s most coveted marathon.

My Boston Marathon Run of 2016

Having been fortunate enough to run two Boston Marathon’s, once in 2014, and again in 2016, I can tell you that it is the marathon of marathons. From the volunteers, to the crowds, to the fans, and the participants…to the residents of Boston, not to mention the residents of the villages, towns, and cities that the course winds through, the experience is one you’ll always remember and cherish.

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Charmed Running celebrates all of those who crossed the finish line in 2017. Congratulations on a race well run. Don’t forget to treat yourself to a token of remembrance (or bragging rights) from the store. We offer shoe charms, zipper pulls, charm bracelets, car magnets, and decals, and can even customize your items to include the date, year, or your race time. Let us make something special for you or for that runner friend of whom you are most proud!

Contact us for more information.

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